
Design faster by 'snapping' website designs that inspire you

Use our extension to snapshot elements, entire pages, and even source code.

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Unlimited lifetime snaps starting at $0

Made with 🤟 bykangabru

1Snap designs you care about

Screenshot entire landing pages or specific elements that inspire you.
Forget bookmarks, save the actual designs!(We save the url too)

Try it out!

Snapshot specific elements

Use our browser extension to quickly snapshot elements on the go.

Select an element
This is just a tribute
Resize in the actual app.

Save for the future

Designing from scratch is hard. Build up a collection of inspiring designs specific to you.

Try, it's interactive

Browse snaps for inspiration

We help you organise and find snaps to inspire your next project. Create better designs and save time by emulating them.

Join now!

It's free! Unlimited lifetime snaps.

Your snap was saved here

Icons made byFreepikfromwww.flaticon.com